суббота, 30 сентября 2023 г.

Should we use AI in Art, Design and Teaching spheres?

Education, including all parts of Arts, always strongly connected with other fields of our life like history, environment, cultural aspects, ethic and many others. However, nowadays we have one sector that influences all spheres of our lives not dependable on our place of living, gender, religion or points of view. We name it digital technologies that burst in our lives destroying all previous beliefs and habits. Despite wanting these changes or not, we already live with and in them every day.

Art fields are not exception of the context. Firstly, we had Graphic and 3D digital programs that helped us a lot to complete the project and to represent art or design idea in the shortest time. Artist and designers learned how to use the programs adopting them to the needs of the design projects. Even if in the beginning we did not believe to these programs completely, and to be honest, the first versions were not quite reliable, anyway artists and designers overcame a lot of challenges to master and implement the art and design programs into the working process. Moreover, not only professional artists, but even young students who tried to use technologies in these spheres, never regret about it. Now we have the second challenge facing AI and ChartGPT that are for today not fully reliable platforms, but they strongly rush into our lives and work, and it is obvious that we have to face with another one challenge – to learn how to adopt AI into our professional sphere.

These days artists, designers and teachers are just trying to use AI in their fields. As for me, I have not used it at class yet due to several factors: I do not know AI quite well in order to complete tasks and to show others how to use AI; our educational digital platform is not ready to provide access to AI for students and teachers; even if educators know how to use AI and practice it with students, it is not understandable yet how to prevent students from cheating providing the same platform for passing the test or exam that has completed the exact test. 
Researching AI abilities in art the famous American artist Jeff Koons found more questions than answers because even acceptable for art DALL-E2 platform has serios challenges. Moreover, talking about ChartGPT in art field, it can be seen that the system offers to a user equal number of benefits and challenges (Chrosniak, 2023). Taking into account the imperfection of new technologies for today, I can say than artist, designers and teachers are able to use the most powerful and completed parts of AI using them as tools remembering that the same situation was the first design uncompleted programs that did not stop us from using them.

воскресенье, 24 сентября 2023 г.

Are we digital residents or visitors?


A lot of artist, teachers and designers who had been passionate to Art since their childhood, understood that new technologies are able to deprive us of everything that we had loved and had been doing before AI came into our life. However, maybe IT is going to support us and to simplify some of the labor-intensive processes of our work. According to Co-Principal Investigator at Oxford University David White, nowadays population is divided into visitors and residents in digital sphere (White, 2014). Residents feel themselves absolutely free in the digital world using it for all the needs form making money, communicating to buying major and minor things all around the world. On the other side, visitors go to the Internet using it like a tool for the most necessary moments of life. We can do it for our everyday need at home or at work where we are expected to be in digital trends. This can be somewhat discouraging even for good specialists who felt themselves strongly in their working fields, but it is a fact that IT is an integral part of our life, and we have to learn how to live and work with it.

Analyzing my experience in described zones (resident or visitor at home and at work) I am making conclusion that I mostly visitor for my home needs. However, even with this baggage of skills and knowledge in IT sphere it is possible to stay in the profession, to create and teach, always thinking about further development though.

суббота, 23 сентября 2023 г.


This blog is for teachers, students, professional and non-professional participants in art, design and photography programs. ‘The amount of knowledge in the world has doubled in the past 10 years and is doubling every 18 months according to the American Society of Training and Documentation (ASTD)’ (Siemens, 2005). Pace and speed of development IT impact all spheres including Art, Design and Photographing. This blog will try to answer the question ‘How to integrate new technologies in creation process?’.

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